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Major Taylor won the 1-mile World Professional Championship in Montreal on August 10 1899.

Writer: Cyrille Vincent Ndomakette SambaCyrille Vincent Ndomakette Samba

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

After his triumphant prowess in Chicago August 3rd 1899 , Major Taylor was very excited and pleased by his performance.

He was also anxious to get to Montreal-Canada to engage in practice on the track of Queen's Park on which the world bicycle meet was to be held August 9-12.

Entries of racers where received from almost every country in Europe, United State , Canada and Australia.

Even tho the competition in Montreal was tainted with the racing feud between the L.A.W (League of American Wheelmen) and the N.C.A ( National Cycling Association) , it was reported by several media outlets that more than 12,000 people attended the event with many more outside the sold out velodrome .

Starting Line of the International Bicycle Meet at Queen's Park :

Le Monde illustré, vol. 16 no 798. p. 241 (19 août 1899) -Courtesy of Montreal Bicycle Club.

At the Time of the world meet, Major Taylor was just 21 years old but at the peak of condition .

The following World's Championships were contested :

One mile ,professional . Purse $250 , $125, $50, $25

100 Kilometers (about 63 miles), professional . Purse $250, $125, $75, $25

One mile amateur . I.C.A Medals.

Team championship , I.C.A amateurs teams , not more than four .

I.C.A medals , and additional prizes valued at $25, $15, $10, $5.

The Wheelmen and Cycling Trade Review August 17 1899.

Courtesy of the Montreal Bicycle Club.

'' I shall never forget the thunderous applause that greeted me as I rode my victorious lap of honor around the track with a huge bouquet of roses. It was the first time that I had triumphed on foreign soil, and I was thrilled as I heard the band strike up the ''Star Spangled banner'.' My national anthem took a new meaning for me from that moment . I never felt so proud to be an American before , and indeed, I felt even more American at that moment than I ever felt in America.'' Major Taylor The Fastest Bicycle Rider In The World 1828.

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